Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Chapter 2 Vocabulary

Fair/Equitable -  Governed by rules that apply to everyone, taking into account individual needs and circumstances.
Example:Making sure two people who have done different crimes get a fair judgment.

Justice System - The institutions and procedures for applying laws by making legal judgments.
Example: Courts

Justice - Applying laws.
Example: Catching the guy who stole your purse

Legislation - Laws created thought the legislative process.
Example: Distracted Driving Law

Validity - Reliabiliry, based on a critical assessment of source, facts and bias.
Example: Someone you can always rely on because they are always honest and without bias.

Community Service - Help in the community performed as part of a sentence, such as assisting with  a community clean-up or food bank.
Example: Cleaning up litter in the parks.

Criminal Record - A permanent record of breaking the law, which is public information. A criminal record can bar you from some jobs, volunteer positions and travel to other countries.
Example: Theft under $1000.

Sentence - A consequence for a crime, such as imprisonment, determined by a court of law.
Example: Someone who has murdered someone else serves time in prison.

Rehabilitation - To instill positive behaviors and attitudes.
Example: Someone trying to get off drugs will go into rehabilitation to get better.

Reintegration - To make part of again.
Example: The twelve year old girl who killed her parents will be going back into society again.