Wednesday 7 December 2011

Chapter 3 - Canadian Charter of Rights Vocbulary

Fundamental Rights/Freedoms:
  • The freedom to express your opinions.
  • The freedom to choose your own religion.
  • The freedom to organize peaceful meeting and demonstrations.
  • The freedom to associate with any person or group.
Example -

Legal Rights:
  • The right to be free of improsonment, search and seizure without reasons backed by law and evidence.
  • The right to a fair and quick public trail by an impartial court that assumes that you are innocent until proven guilty. 
Example -

Mobility Rights:
  • The right to moce anywhere within Canada and to earn a living there.
  • The right to enter, stay in, or leave Canada.
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Democratic Rights:
  • The right to vote members of the House of Commons and of provincial legislatures.
  • The right to vote for a new government at least every five years.
Exapmle -

Equality Rights:
  • The right to be free of discrimination because of race, national or ethnic origin, religion, gender, age, or metnal or physical disability.
Example -

Discrimination: Treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit
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Prejudice: Ureasonable feelings, opinions, or attitudes, especially of a hostile nature, regarding a racial, religious, or national group.
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Diversity: Variety; multiformity.
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Constitution: A special set of laws that establish a framework of governance.
Example -

Indian Act: Federal legislation related to the rights and status of First Nations of North America, although these people were diverse and had names for themselves. Many First Natrions perfer not to use the word Indian to describe themselves.
Example -

Labour Union: An organization of workers that acts to protect workers' rights and interests.
Example -

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Chapter 2 Vocabulary

Fair/Equitable -  Governed by rules that apply to everyone, taking into account individual needs and circumstances.
Example:Making sure two people who have done different crimes get a fair judgment.

Justice System - The institutions and procedures for applying laws by making legal judgments.
Example: Courts

Justice - Applying laws.
Example: Catching the guy who stole your purse

Legislation - Laws created thought the legislative process.
Example: Distracted Driving Law

Validity - Reliabiliry, based on a critical assessment of source, facts and bias.
Example: Someone you can always rely on because they are always honest and without bias.

Community Service - Help in the community performed as part of a sentence, such as assisting with  a community clean-up or food bank.
Example: Cleaning up litter in the parks.

Criminal Record - A permanent record of breaking the law, which is public information. A criminal record can bar you from some jobs, volunteer positions and travel to other countries.
Example: Theft under $1000.

Sentence - A consequence for a crime, such as imprisonment, determined by a court of law.
Example: Someone who has murdered someone else serves time in prison.

Rehabilitation - To instill positive behaviors and attitudes.
Example: Someone trying to get off drugs will go into rehabilitation to get better.

Reintegration - To make part of again.
Example: The twelve year old girl who killed her parents will be going back into society again.

Friday 14 October 2011

Would You Rather?

Would you rather say everything on your mind or never speak again?

I would rather say everything on my mind. Never talking again would mean that I would have almost no say in anything that goes on in my life. I would rather say everything and get in trouble for it than never say anything again. my opinion is always important to me.

Current Event- Week 2

              On October 12, 2011 in Lethbridge, Alberta, a Southside hair salon was broken into. The salon is missing some cash from the register. It impacts my life because it was in Lethbridge so it could bring up the crime in Lethbridge. It could bring up the entire crime average in Canada.